OK. First post. Has to be done sometime & won't be perfect, but deep breath, here we go.
I have always been a design fanatic.
My family migrated from India to Australia in the early 70's. My mother has a great eye, but sometimes lacks the confidence in her ability to make the "right" decisions when it comes to the interior of her home. When my parents built their first home in the late 70's, my mother employed the help of an Interior Designer. How my mother came across this particular lady I'm not sure, but MD (I will refer to her as such as the magnificent lady has since passed & thus I am unable to ask permission to publish her name) was a woman of elegance & superbly refined taste. MD was an absolute professional to the end.
My interest in design was piqued when MD used to come to the house with her sample books & those amazing one off accessories which have stood the test of time. I recall being fascinated by fabric samples & catalogues of furniture from a relatively young age. I actually did work experience with MD when I was 16 as part of our compulsory high school work experience program. My family background however, dictated a strong push to a health profession career. My interest in Interior Design & Architecture for that matter, were regarded as "hobbies" rather than a career I could succeed at or make a living from.
My current career as a health professional just doesn't satisfy me. It's great from an intellectual point of view & those instances where I feel I have made a difference to a person's health outcomes are truly wonderful, but they are few & far between. They say it's never too late to change careers, hopefully that will happen sooner rather than later for me.
This blog will mainly be about design related matters. It will be an ever changing thing as I get my head around html code & also finding the time to post. Please bear with me as I start this new adventure & learn as I go.
I love design as I am sure those that may one day peruse this blog do also. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.
Sandy K
Weekend Wrap Up
1 day ago